
Sea Star 7

1998 Bayliner LeClercq

An End To The 2022 Cruising Season Before It Even Begins

On July 16, Dave and Melissa headed out through the locks.  We got applause for our performance.  People were asking whether we were crew and if we were headed for Hawaii.  We spent a couple of nights in Ostrich Bay hanging on the hook and working.  Then on July 19 we headed to Elliot Bay marina for a couple of days.  Ultimately Jim and Margaret joined us there on the morning of July 22 to head out for a long weekend.

From Elliot we headed over to Jennifer’s place on Bainbridge Island.  She has a buoy in front of her place.  We can only hang there when it’s a high tide.  So it was a spur of the moment idea to stop in and say hi.  Jennifer texted her Mom that she only had another few minutes of meetings and then could head out to greet us and hang for a bit.  After she came aboard, she took a meeting from the bow.

And then ultimately decided to come aboard for the weekend.  When she went to grab her gear, Jim managed to fall in the water.  Ooops.

We had dinner on the boat – lamb and risotto with a broccoli and grape salad.

We went to start the engines but only the port side would start.  The guys tried to diagnose for a while, but nothing obvious.  We headed to Poulsbo in the dark.  We had to go agonizingly slowly because when the starboard engine is out of commission the hydraulic stabilizers don’t work.  And they should be pinned so that they don’t flop around, but we didn’t know how to do that.  One engine also gives us very limited maneuverability – particularly at slow speeds because you can’t use differential thrust to move the stern around.

This day would begin a long and frustrating saga of trying to get the starboard engine repaired.

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